Tuesday 2 January 2018

How to lose weight...

Thank you for being a regular reader of my blog.

The blog has now moved to my website:


You can view the same tips, steps and weight loss advice here.

Any questions, please post in the comments, if you are a busy professional trying to lose weight you can contact me for details of how to get articles for you here: ed@loseandshapeupexpert.com

Thanks very much,

Wednesday 27 December 2017

Eating out and Losing Weight...

Most people think eating out and getting Lose and Shape Up results don’t really go together...

Well they can...

But like anything...

it’s not easy...

It certainly requires a certain mindset...

Especially at this time of year...

In fact, you may have already passed your “see it, eat it” date...

But if you are still aiming to create the balance of fun and healthy...

Or thinking, I will keep reading, these tips will come in useful in January, I will try and remember them...

Then read on...

Like I said Mindset is a biggy...

That and it really helps to know the sort of food you will be eating...

Then during the day, you can decide what decisions you are going to make...

Let’s say it’s a post Christmas do of some kind...

Essentially a Xmas meal or roast is meat and veg, with that you can’t go wrong...

Well, there’s other things to consider; a starter, if so which...

portion sizes...

and of course desserts...

It’s only a couple of things to think about, but can make a big difference...

Eating out is one of the chapters in my 12 week programme...

Because advising “don’t eat out “ isn’t exactly realistic...

All it is, is a few tips that can applied to any out eating out scenario, whatever type of food they are serving...

Essentially, the initial key is just to have a plan...

And with a few key tweaks...

You can do both...

And enjoy the nice and let’s be honest, smug feeling of eating clean and enjoying it, feeling satisfied and light and optimistic about reaching healthy goals...

Rather than feeling uncomfortable, bloated and heavy and very lethargic...

Which, let’s face it is how we probably will all felt on Christmas Day afternoon...

Again though to stay on track during festive season is the difference of a few lifestyle tweaks.


Monday 18 December 2017

What's the one thing people I help did to get weight loss results?

As we get near the end of the year...

I’m certainly looking back at the results those I help are getting...

And I can’t help but smile...

Those that have just kept their unwavering consistency...

Those that have just suddenly committed and got some great results...

People like your self who are on the go all day too...

In my experience sometimes when you hire someone to help you...

You can think no need to try now, results will follow...

But to get results, you still have to do the necessary things...

Yes, someone will guide you through personalised exercise sessions and if necessary have you commit to doing your own exercise sessions on top...

Not to mention make a few lifestyle adjustments...

And come up with all sorts of ways to hold you accountable :-)...

And in observing those getting results...

What super human traits did they have in common?...

How did they do it?...


Did I put a padlock on their fridge?...

Enlist their children as spies who could get in touch and say “Mummy is only supposed to have one glass and the bottle is gone”...

Did I get them one of those novelties hats that dangled a glass of their favourite tipple/snack in front of them and leave them on a treadmill trying to reach it?...

No! But might give that last one a go...

Here’s what they did...

What they have in common...

They. Just. Decided.

They had already been contemplating and knew what they had to do...

But contemplation doesn’t equal results...

Taking action does!...

They just decided that from now and with my help, that that was was they were going to do...

They went from knowing what they needed to do...

To doing it...

Not aiming for perfect, when good enough will do...

And realising it’s easier than they thought it was...

Now you if you are super dedicated you can start now...

You just have to decide and if you have question or need help, just reply.

Monday 11 December 2017

To get weight loss results, do the most important things first.

I get a lot of questions...

Which I quite like to be honest...

Maybe it’s massaging my fragile ego...

That someone might think I know something about something...

But a lot of the time I find it’s easy to get bogged down in the details...

Or worse that working with me means they are going to have to give up all the small things they enjoy...

“I will never be able to have wine again, I can’t forgo my wine, or favourite snack and after what I have to go through in my day- it’s the one thing that keeps me sane”...

“I like peanuts but I heard they were not the best nut”...

“Can I still put sugar in my tea and coffee?”...

“Can I still have my favourite little treat at the week end?”...

These are details, this might be the most hippiest way I describe something...

But these are “small rocks” and if you worry too much about them, you haven’t got much room for the big rocks...

The things that really matter...

That will make a difference...

Some big rocks are...

Having a modest portion of a protein rich food at each meal...

Drinking enough water...

Having enough and a variety of vegetables...

Doing exercise that stimulates muscle combined with heart healthy exercise a few times a week or at the very least, just being active enough...

Once these become part of your lifestyle, if you are thinking I want to go further...

Then it’s time to go on to the next biggest thing...

And so on...

But it shouldn’t be one more thing you have to think of...

Go with and focus on those things that make a big difference...

Or if you don’t need another thing to think of...

Then get help from someone you consider knows something about something...

Reply in the comments if you have any questions.

But only if you are willing to apply those big rocks I mentioned before.

Thanks Ed.


Monday 4 December 2017

Weight Loss is all about calories, or is it?

One of the first useful things I learnt in helping Busy people lose, fit better in their clothes and have more energy was about calories in and calories out…
We all know we put on weight (fat) when we continuously consume more calories than we burn…
And the excess gets stored as the flabby stuff at the rate of 3,500 unused calories to half a kilo of body fat (1lb)…
So common sense tells us to lose, we just have to consume less than we burn…
So if we eat the right amount of calories is doesn’t matter how healthy the food or drink is…
Or does it?…
See I totally agree that 1,000 calories of Coca Cola and 1,000 calories of Broccoli burned in a laboratory would release the same amount of energy…
But things change when you actually consume them…
Coke and Broccoli trigger different responses in the body in relation to metabolism, hormones and lots of other messengers…
The coke will spike blood sugar and insulin leading to increased hunger and fat storage…
Whilst the thousand calories of Broccoli will stabilise blood sugar, make you feel full and increase fat burning…
So whilst they are the exact same number of calories to start off with, they will have a very different effect on the body and your health and ongoing lose and shaping results.

Thanks, Ed


Monday 27 November 2017

Do you relate to this losing or gaining weight scenario?

I talk a lot about Blood Sugar Stabilisation...

It’s sounds like a fancy term...

I could talk Science and hormones, it’s ok though I’m not going to!...

So in real terms, how does stabilising blood sugar effect wether you as a Professional on the go are celebrating the fact that your shape is changing or are you left feeling unhappy that your clothes don’t fit or you feel unhealthy and sluggish...

Well how about a Monday Morning where you struggle out of bed, make a coffee to give you a much needed kick, get ready for work, help children get ready if you have them, make sure you have everything ready for the day and start thinking about your to do list and then suddenly “oh my god look at the time!” Pack everything into the car, jump in, battle the traffic and travel to your place of work, on the way maybe you stop somewhere for fuel or more coffee or you are on public transport and you decide to get one or to give you that kick to start your to do list, you go to get a coffee at work then the smell of sugary warm pastry hits you...

suddenly you are very aware of the empty void feeling in your stomach, you press your face against the glass (the only thing between you and a sugary breakfast) the sugar glistens, you start salivating...

You are trying to be healthy, so you try to be strong...

But it could be ages before you get something to eat and then for it to be healthy it may take preparation or a short journey and right now, you don’t have time for it that! “Yep, I will take that one, in fact put it in a bag to go” it can be eaten on the go- saves precious time...

If the above scenario is a “just this once” then it’s not much of a problem...

It’s when that becomes the habit, it’s when things are repeated over and over, that’s when it adds up...

It will take a conscious effort, but how would the above scenario play out if you managed to have a quick, planned and ideally balanced breakfast?

Or some balanced snacks you take with you, that could have at least taken the edge off the hunger until you get chance to have something balanced...

Those pastries may still look appealing, but it would be easier to pass on a satisfied stomach...

What if that was your on going habit, what kind of effect could that have?

Like I say, you’re only a few habits from making progress...

If you would like help to do this just reply to this post with any questions...

Would love to help.


Tuesday 21 November 2017

Knowing what to do for weight loss is not your problem, its how to start and keep going!

It’s not that you don’t know what to do to lose and be in the shape you want to...

Or the health...

Have the energy...

You know you probably need to reduce portion size a bit...

Eat more vegetables...

Exercise consistently enough...

If you did that regularly enough you would make progress...

But knowing isn’t the problem, it’s how do you start and do those things often enough to see change?...

That’s the hard bit...

There are a few distractions along the way...

“Anything else with your coffee?” “Mummy I really can’t eat any more” “Let’s not eat rabbit food again, can’t we have steak and chips?”, it’s thingy bob’s birthday we are all going to that posh Italian” “I baked this cake, want a small slice (slab)” “it’s so late, we still have to eat-takeaway?” and it’s been a long day/week/play date/ let’s face it anything really- “I will poor you a glass or two”...

The things that pop up that can stall progress will pop up all the time...

And the route to success shouldn’t mean becoming a hermit...

But where there are situations at every turn to derail you...

How can you have the right mind set to start and stay on track?...

Well to start, you have to have one great big reason as to why you want to achieve what you do...

“I would like to lose a bit of weight will only take you so far”...

Maybe take that statement and ask yourself “why” five times and see what you come up with...

Where are all the clothes you long to wear again, probably hidden away?...

Then put them somewhere you can’t miss, that you have to see again and again...

Already got a holiday booked?... use a picture of the place as your screen saver...

Set alarms if you need to...

have the reason to lose and shape up so at the front of your mind, that when of those scenarios comes up...

You choose something different or compromise...

“Steak?” “Ok, but I will have a salad with it and just steal a few of your chips, because I know you like that” instead of totally joining in...

Do that and compromise with the different scenarios and before you know it, a different habit has been formed...

And another...

Baby steps is fine, but continue that...

It will then take you somewhere.

Or if you need something to get you started, go here...


and click "get started for free".

Kind Regards,